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Restraints and Safety Systems: Description and Operation: Description and Operation

SRS Harness

The SRS harness is wrapped in yellow tube to be discriminated from other system harness. And the shorting bar is included inside the wiring connectors of DAB, PAB, SAB, CAB and BPT module circuit when the connectors are disconnected. The circuits to the inflator module are shorted in this way to help prevent unwanted deployment of the airbag when serving the airbag module.

SRSCM Independent Lamp Activation
There are certain fault conditions in which the SRSCM (SRS Control Module) cannot function and thus cannot control the operation of the lamp. In these cases, the lamp is directly activated by appropriate circuitry that operates independently of the SRSCM, as follow.
1. Loss of ignition voltage supply to the SRSCM : Lamp turned on continuously.
2. Loss of internal operating voltage : Lamp turned on continuously.
3. SRSCM malfunctioning : Lamp turned on continuously.
4. SRSCM not connected : Lamp turned on through shorting bar in wiring harness connector.

Warning lamp operation condition and status operation condition Lamp