Troubleshooting Procedures
First, select the applicable malfunction symptom from the Trouble Symptom Charts. Conduct the self-diagnostic test following the directions on the charts. Determine the condition of all function circuits.CAUTION: Because the computer (sell-diagnosis) memory data will be erased when the system is unintentionally canceled during fixed-speed driving, the Ignition switch and/or the cruise main switch of the CC system should not be switched OFF, and the battery should not be disconnected.
1. Make the following preliminary inspections.
- Check that the installation of the actuator, accelerator cable are correct, and that the cables and links are securely connected.
- Check that the accelerator pedal moves smoothly.
- Adjust the cable so there is not excessive tension or excessive play on the accelerator cable.
- Check that the CCM, actuator, cruise main and control switch and the connector of each cancel switch are connected securely.
2. Check in the sequence indicated in the Trouble Symptom Chart.
3. If these checks indicate a normal condition, replace the cruise control module.
Trouble Symptom 1
Trouble Symptom 2
Trouble Symptom 3
Trouble Symptom 4
Trouble Symptom 5
Trouble Symptom 6
Trouble Symptom 7
Trouble Symptom 8
Trouble Symptom 9
Trouble Symptom 10