Transmission Removal
REMOVAL1. Remove the battery terminal and battery.
2. Remove the drain plug and drain the automatic transaxle fluid.
3. Remove the air cleaner assembly.
1. Upper
2. Lower
4. Disconnect the speedometer sensor connector.
5. Disconnect the transaxle range switch connector, solenoid connector, and oil temperature sensor connector.
6. Remove the oil cooler hose.
7. Remove the control cable.
8. Remove the steering U-joint bolt and return tube mounting bolts.
NOTE: Mark a mating line on the steering column universal joint and the gear box before disassembling to make the installation easier.
9. Separate the power steering lock pump hose.
10. Separate the power steering return hose.
11. Remove the upper connecting transaxle bolt.
12. Attach the special tool, engine support fixture, (J28467-B, J28467-125) to the engine hooks.
13. Remove the tire and caliper.
14. Separate the tie rod end.
15. Remove the wheel speed sensor and the knuckle mounting bolt.
16. Remove the transaxle mounting bracket.
1. Insulator bolt
2. Body mounting bolt (Upper)
3. Body mounting bolt (Side)
4. Transaxle side mounting bolt.
17. Remove the front roll stopper.
1. Insulator bolt
2. Stopper bolt (Upper)
3. Stopper bolt (Lower)
18. Remove the rear roll stopper.
1. Insulator bolt
2. Stopper bolt
19. Remove the drive shaft.
20. Remove the subframe mounting bolts and the subframe.
21. Install the jack under the transaxle assembly.
22. Remove the automatic transaxle mounting lower bolts.
23. Remove the engine to automatic transaxle bolts.
24. Remove the automatic transaxle assembly by jack.
a. Engine and transmission mounting insulators should be installed as specified orders.
b. Mounting bracket installation procedures.
^ Engine mounting bracket.
^ T/M mounting bracket.
^ Rear roll stopper mounting bracket.
^ Front roll stopper mounting bracket.
c. When installing the front roll stopper mounting bracket, be especially careful not to crush the insulator. If crushed, idle vibration may occur.