Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.




1. Release the parking brake.

2. Remove the wheel and tire.

3. Remove the caliper assembly from the carrier and suspend it with wire.

4. Remove the brake disc.

5. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor from the carrier.

6. Remove the rear axle hub mounting bolts (4).
7. Disconnect the hub and hub bearing assembly from the rear brake back plate assembly.
8. Support the brake assembly securely.

9. Remove the carrier assembly.

10. Using the special tools (09453-33000B, 09545-21100), remove the two bushings from the carrier.

1. Check the rear hub bearing for wear or damage.
2. Check the rear tone wheel for chipped teeth.
3. Check the hub inner surface for scoring.
4. Check the carrier for crack.


1. Using the special tools (09453-33000B, 09545-21100) press-in the 2 bushings to the carrier.

2. Fix the hub and bearing assembly to the brake backing plate so that the rounded area of the bearing outer race is placed facing upward.

3. Tighten the four bolts to the specified torque.
4. Rotate the hub to seat the bearing.

5. Using a spring balance, measure the wheel bearing starting torque.
Standard value
Starting torque: 28 Nm (18 kg-cm, 16 inch lbs.) or less

6. Fix a dial gauge and measure the hub end play. Check that it is within the standard value.
Standard value
Hub end play: 0.008 mm (0.0003 inch) or less