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Restraint Troubleshooting









DTC Description

When a deployment of any restraint system for seat belt pretensioner and frontal and side air bags occurs, or when a rear crash is detected, the crash output is activated. The purpose of this output is to signal the BCM(Body Control Module) in the vehicle to unlock the vehicle doors. If a crash output is in progress, a second crash output signal will not be sent unless the first one is completed. The SRSCM doesn't perform diagnostics on the crash output function. After a frontal or side crash event is sensed and algorithm makes firing decision, above mentioned crash record is stored after squib deployment.

DTC Detecting Condition

Schematic Diagram

Inspection Procedure

If the above mentioned DTC is confirmed it can't be cleared by Hi-Scan tool except for the B1657 and B1659, and the SRSCM should be replaced. However, for the DTC B1657, Belt pretensioner only deployment, it can be erased for 5 times and the SRSCM can be reusable. If the deployment of Belt pretensioner reaches to 6 times, the SRSCM will set DTC B1658 and the SRSCM should be replaced accordingly. The DTC B1659, Rear impact detected, also can be erased.