Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Description


System Description

In the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode, the Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) system automatically maintains a selected distance from the vehicle traveling in front of own vehicle according to that vehicle's speed (up to the set speed), or at the set speed when the road ahead is clear.
With ICC system, the driver can maintain the same speed as other vehicles without the constant need to adjust the set speed as driver would with a normal cruise control system.
The following items are controlled in the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode.
- When there are no vehicles traveling ahead, the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode maintains the speed set by the driver. The set speed range is between approximately 32 and 144 km/h (20 and 90 MPH).
- When there is a vehicle traveling ahead, the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode adjusts the speed to maintain the distance, selected by driver, from a vehicle ahead. The adjusting speed range is up to the set speed.
If the vehicle ahead come to a stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill within the limitations of the system. The system will cancel once it judges a standstill with a warning chime.
- When the vehicle traveling ahead has moved out from its lane of travel, the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode accelerates and maintains vehicle speed up to the set speed.

If the vehicle ahead comes to stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill within the limitations of the system. The system will cancel once it judges that the vehicle has come to a standstill and sound a warning chime.
To prevent the vehicle from moving, the driver must depress the brake pedal.

- When the accelerator pedal is depressed, the brake operation and the warning are not performed by the ICC system.
- When the DCA system is ON and when the accelerator pedal is depressed, the DCA system is operated. Refer to System Description.

Quickly push (less than 1.5 seconds) and release the MAIN switch ON.
The MAIN switch indicator, set distance indicator, own vehicle indicator, and set vehicle speed indicator come on and ICC system is set to a standby state.
ICC sensor integrated unit performs the control as per the following:

Set Condition
Under a stand by state, pushing down the SET/COAST switch will start system control.
- When vehicle speed is between approximately 32 km/h and 144 km/h (20 MPH and 90 MPH).
- When vehicle speed is below approximately 32 km/h (20 MPH) if the vehicle ahead is detected. The set vehicle speed becomes 32 km/h (20 MPH).
If the system is cancelled by conditions 1-6 below, the system will resume control at the last set cruising speed by pushing up the RESUME/ACCELERATE switch.

- When the SET/COAST switch is pushed under the following conditions, the system can not be set and the set vehicle speed indicator will blink for approximately 2 seconds.

- When traveling below 32 km/h (20 MPH) and the vehicle ahead is not detected.
- When the selector lever is not in the "D", "DS" position or manual mode
- When the front wipers are operating at LO or HI.
(If the vehicle is equipped with a rain sensing auto-wiper, the system may cancel when the wipers are set to INT)
- When the parking brakes are applied
- When the brakes are operated by the driver

- When the SET/COAST switch is pushed under the following conditions, the system cannot be set. A warning chime will sound and the set speed indicator and own vehicle indicator will blink.
- When the snow mode switch is ON (To use the ICC system, turn
OFF the snow mode switch, push the MAIN switch to turn OFF the
ICC system and reset the ICC system by pushing the MAIN switch again.)
- When the VDC is OFF (To use the ICC system, turn OFF the VDC system, push the MAIN switch to turn OFF the ICC system and reset the ICC system by pushing the MAIN switch again.)
- When ABS or VDC (including the TCS) operates
- When driving into a strong light (i.e., sunlight)
- When the wheel is slipping (To use the ICC system, make sure the wheels are no longer spinning, push the
MAIN switch to turn OFF the ICC system and reset the ICC system by pushing the MAIN switch again.

Cancel Conditions
1. When CANCEL switch is pressed.
2. When brake pedal is depressed.
3. When the vehicle ahead is not detected below the speed of 24 km/h (15 MPH).
4. When the selector lever is not in the "D", "DS" position or manual mode.
5. When the parking brakes are applied.
6. When the system judges the vehicle is at standstill.
7. When the front wipers are operating at LO or HI.
(If the vehicle is equipped with a rain sensing auto-wiper, the system may cancel when the wipers are set to INT)
8. When the snow mode switch is turned ON.
9. When ABS or VDC (including the TCS) operates.
10. When the MAIN switch is turned OFF.
11. When a wheel slips.
12. When driving into a strong light (i.e., sunlight).
13. When the VDC is turned OFF.
14. When the system malfunction occurs.


ICC Steering Switch

ICC System Display (On The Information Display)

System Control Condition Display
Quickly push (less than 1.5 seconds) and release the MAIN switch ON.
The MAIN switch indicator (cruise indicator), set distance indicator, own vehicle indicator, and set vehicle speed indicator come on and ICC system is set to a standby state.

The display of the DCA system is given priority when the DCA system is ON in a standby mode. (The set vehicle speed indicator, set distance indicator, and own vehicle indicator are not displayed). Refer to System Description.

Approach Warning Display
If own vehicle comes closer to a vehicle ahead due to rapid deceleration of that vehicle or if another vehicle cuts in, the system warns the driver with the chime and ICC system display. Decelerate by depressing the brake pedal to maintain a safe vehicle distance if:
- The chime sounds.
- The vehicle ahead detection indicator and set distance indicator blink.
The warning chime may not sound in some cases when there is a short distance between vehicles. Some examples are:
- When the vehicles are traveling at the same speed and the distance between vehicles is not changing.
- When the vehicle ahead is traveling faster and the distance between vehicles is increasing.
- When a vehicle cuts in at near own vehicle.
The warning chime will not sound when own vehicle approaches vehicles that are parked or moving slowly.
The warning chime will not sound when the accelerator pedal is depressed, overriding the system.
The approach warning chime may sound and the system display may blink when the ICC sensor detects some reflectors which are fitted on vehicles in other lanes or on the side of the road.
This may cause the ICC system to decelerate or accelerate the vehicle.
The ICC sensor may detect these reflectors when the vehicle is driven on winding roads, hilly roads or when entering or exiting a curve.
The ICC sensor may also detect reflectors on narrow roads or in road construction zones.
In these cases driver will have to manually control the proper distance ahead of own vehicle.
Also, the sensor sensitivity can be affected by vehicle operation (steering maneuver or driving position in the lane) or traffic or vehicle condition (for example, if a vehicle is being driven with some damage).

Warning Lamp and Automatic Cancellation Display