Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Description


System Description


Automatic Speed Control Device (ASCD) allows a driver to keep vehicle at predetermined constant speed without depressing accelerator pedal. Driver can set vehicle speed in advance between approximately 40 km/h (25 MPH) and 144 km/h (89 MPH).
ECM controls throttle angle of electric throttle control actuator to regulate engine speed.
Operation status of ASCD is indicated by CRUISE indicated and SET indicator in combination meter. If any malfunction occurs in the ASCD system, CRUISE lamp blinks and ASCD control is deactivated.

Always drive vehicle in a safe manner according to traffic conditions and obey all traffic laws.

Press MAIN switch. (The CRUISE indicator in combination meter is displayed.)
When vehicle speed reaches a desired speed between approximately 40 km/h (25 MPH) and 144 km/h (89
MPH), press SET/COAST switch. (Then SET indicator in combination meter is displayed.)

If the RESUME/ACCELERATE switch is pressed during cruise control driving, increase the vehicle speed until the switch is released or vehicle speed reaches maximum speed controlled by the system.
And then ASCD will maintain the new set speed.

When any of following conditions exist, cruise operation will be canceled.
- CANCEL switch is pressed
- More than 2 switches on ASCD steering switch are pressed at the same time (Set speed will be cleared)
- Brake pedal is depressed
- Selector lever position is changed to N, P or R
- Vehicle speed decreased to 13 km/h (8 MPH) lower than the set speed
- TCS system is operated
When the ECM detects any of the following conditions, the ECM will cancel the cruise operation and inform the driver by blinking CRUISE lamp.
- Engine coolant temperature is slightly higher than the normal operating temperature, CRUISE lamp may blink slowly.
When the engine coolant temperature decreases to the normal operating temperature, CRUISE lamp will stop blinking and the cruise operation will be able to work by pressing SET/COAST switch or RESUME/
- Malfunction for some self-diagnoses regarding ASCD control: SET indicator will blink quickly.
If MAIN switch is turned to OFF while ASCD is activated, all of ASCD operations will be canceled and vehicle speed memory will be erased.

When the SET/COAST switch is pressed during cruise control driving, decrease vehicle set speed until the switch is released. And then ASCD will maintain the new set speed.

When the RESUME/ACCELERATE switch is pressed after canceling operation other than pressing the MAIN switch, vehicle speed will return to last set speed. To resume vehicle set speed, vehicle condition must meet following conditions.
- Brake pedal is released
- A/T selector lever is in a position other than P and N
- Vehicle speed is greater than 40 km/h (25 MPH) and less than 144 km/h (89 MPH)