Low & Reverse Brake
1. Check operation of low & reverse brake.
a. Apply compressed air to oil hole of transmission case.
b. Check to see that retaining plate moves to snap ring.
c. If retaining plate does not contact snap ring:
- D-ring might be damaged.
- Fluid might be leaking past piston check ball.
2. In order to remove piston, apply compressed air to oil hole of retainer while holding piston. Apply air gradually and allow piston to come out evenly.
3. Remove D-rings from piston.
Low and Reverse Brake Snap Ring, Spring Retainer and Return Springs
- Check for deformation, fatigue or damage. If necessary, replace.
- When replacing spring retainer and return springs, replace them as a set.
Low and Reverse Brake Drive Plate
- Check facing for burns, cracks or damage.
- Measure thickness of facing.
Thickness of drive plate:
Standard value 1.8 mm (0.071 inch)
Wear limit 1.6 mm (0.063 inch)
- If not within wear limit, replace.
1. Install D-rings on piston.
- Apply ATF to both parts.
2. Set and align piston with retainer.
- This operation is required in order to engage the protrusions of piston to return springs correctly. Further procedures are given in "ASSEMBLY".
3. Install driven plates, drive plates, retaining plate and dish plate on transmission case.
- Take care with order of plates and direction of dish plate.
4. Install snap ring.
5. Measure clearance between driven plate and transmission case. If not within allowable limit, select proper retaining plate. (front side)
Specified clearance:
Standard 1.7 - 2.1 mm (0.067 - 0.083 inch)
Allowable limit 3.3 mm (0.130 inch)
Retaining plate: Refer to Application and ID; Selectable Parts.