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Fuel Injector: Service and Repair

1. Release fuel pressure to zero.
2. Remove intake manifold collector. Refer to "TIMING CHAIN".
3. Disconnect vacuum hose from pressure regulator.
4. Disconnect fuel hoses from fuel tube assembly.
- Do not disassemble fuel tube assembly.

5. Disconnect injector harness connectors.
6. Remove injectors with fuel tube assembly.
- Push injector tail piece.
- Do not pull on the connector.

7. Push out any malfunctioning injector from fuel tube assembly.
8. Replace or clean injector as necessary.
9. Install injector to fuel tube assembly.
- Always replace O-rings with new ones.
- Lubricate O-rings with a smear of engine oil.

10. Install injectors with fuel tube assembly to intake manifold.
Tighten in numerical order shown in the figure.
a. First, tighten all bolts to 9.3 to 10.8 N.m (0.95 to 1.1 kg-m, 6.9 to 8.0 ft-lb).
b. Then, tighten all bolts to 21 to 26 N.m (2.1 to 2.7 kg-m, 15 to 20 ft-lb).

11. Install fuel hoses to fuel tube assembly.
12. Reinstall any parts removed in reverse order of removal.

CAUTION: After properly connecting fuel hose to injector and fuel tube assembly, check connection for fuel leakage.