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Front Door: Adjustments


DOOR ASSEMBLY : Adjustment

Check the clearance and surface height between front door and each part by seeing and touching.
If the clearance and surface height are out of specification, adjust them according to the procedures shown below.

1. Remove front fender. Refer to Removal and Installation.
2. Loosen door hinge mounting nuts on door side.
3. Adjust the surface height of front door according to the fitting standard dimension.
4. Temporarily tighten door hinge mounting nuts on door side.
5. Loosen door hinge mounting bolts on body side.
6. Raise front door at rear end to adjust clearance of the front door according to the fitting standard dimension.
7. Tighten each bolts and nuts to the specified torque.

- Apply anticorrosive agent onto the mounting surface.
- Check door hinge rotating part for poor lubrication. If necessary, apply body grease.
- After installation, check door open/close, lock/unlock operation.
- After installation, apply touch-up paint (the body color) onto the head of door hinge mounting bolts and nuts.
8. Install front fender. Refer to Removal and Installation.

Adjust door striker so that it becomes parallel with door lock insertion direction.