Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

With Mobile Entertainment System



Adjust the guide line position if the guide line position is shifted after installing the rear view camera.
1. Draw lines on rearward area of the vehicle passing through the following points: 200 mm (7.87 in) from both sides of the vehicle, and 0.5 m (1.64 ft), 1.0 m (3.28 ft) from the rear end of the bumper.
2. Set into "Adjust offset of rear view camera" mode of Confirmation / Adjustment mode.

3. Rotate the center dial, and then select the guiding line pattern so that its angle is aligned with the correction line of the rear of the vehicle.

Selected pattern : 7

4. Make fine adjustment to the correction line of the rear of the vehicle with up/down/left/right switches so that its position is aligned with the guiding line. Press ""

Up/Down adjustment range : -20 - 20
Left/Right adjustment range : -20 - 20

Never operate other function such as pressing BACK while writing index data.
If Confirmation/Adjustment mode does not function in the above procedure, perform one of the following service to adjust the index again.
- Remove battery for five min. Then reconnect battery.
- Remove camera control unit connector for five min. Then reconnect camera control unit connector.