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Checking Fluid Leakage


Checking Fluid Leakage

Check hydraulic connections for fluid leakage, cracks, damage, looseness, or wear.
1. Run engine until the fluid temperature reaches 50 to 80� C (122 to 176�F) in reservoir tank, and keep engine speed idle.
2. Turn steering wheel several times from full left stop to full right stop.
3. Hold steering wheel at each lock position for five seconds and carefully, check for fluid leakage.

Do not hold the steering wheel in a locked position for more than 10 seconds. (There is the possibility that oil pump may be damaged.)
4. If fluid leakage at connections is noticed, then loosen flare nut and then retighten. Do not overtighten connector as this can damage O-ring, washer and connector.
5. If fluid leakage from oil pump is noticed, check oil pump. Refer to Testing and Inspection Removal and Replacement Overhaul.
6. Check steering gear boots for accumulation of fluid indicating from steering gear.