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Body Controls - Configurable BCM Replacement Information

Classification: EC12-016

Reference: ITB12-037

Date: June 26, 2012


APPLIED VEHICLES: All with configurable BCM


Before replacing a configurable BCM, always select Save Configuration whether or not it has any manually configurable options.

After replacement "Write Configuration" MUST then be performed and OK selected, even if there are not any options listed. (See Figure 2)

^ Auto settings are not visible in CONSULT III plus and it is not possible to confirm these settings.

^ If original BCM is damaged and "Saving" configuration is not possible:

> Replace BCM, perform the "Write Configuration" and select OK to insure "auto" settings are correct. Even if manual settings are correct or there are no manual settings.

After configuration is completed:

1. Register I-Keys

2. Register Fob (If applicable)

3. Complete TPMS registration