Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


NOTE: Always check Vehicle Emissions Control Information label on hood when adjusting timing.

Before attempting to check and/or adjust idle speed, ensure that the following conditions are met:

- Engine at operating temperature.
- Throttle valve switch completely closed with idle contact on.
- If equipped with power steering, front wheels straight ahead.
- A/C "OFF" is so equipped.
- Transmission in neutral.
- Automatic transmission in either "N" or "P."

Fuel Pressure / Canister VSV Connector:

- Pressure control VSV electrical harness disconnected.

Canister Purge Line:

- Canister purge hose disconnected and plugged.

EGR Vacuum Line:

- EGR vacuum signal line disconnected at EGR valve.

Inductive Tachometer:

- Connect tachometer

- Connect timing light to No. 1 spark plug wire.

Timing Marks:

- Check ignition timing at crankshaft pulley. Should be:

12° BTDC 900 rpm


- If out of specification, loosen mounting bolt and rotate distributor housing to adjust timing. (CW = advances timing, CCW = retards timing.)
- After adjustment, tighten bolt to:

14 ft lb (19 Nm)

NOTE: When tighting bolt, be sure distributor does not turn with mounting bolt.

- Stop engine, unplug and refit vacuum hoses.