Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information

When servicing the compressor, keep dirt or foreign material from getting on or into the compressor parts and system.
Clean tools and clean work area are important for proper service.

The compressor connections and the outside of the compressor should be cleaned before any "On-Vehicle" repair, or before removal of the compressor.
The parts must be kept clean at all times and any parts to be reassembled should be cleaned with Trichloroethylene, naphtha, kerosene, or equivalent solvent, and dried with dry air. Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts.

The operations described below are based on bench overhaul with compressor removed from the vehicle, except as noted. They have been prepared in order of accessibility of the components.

When the compressor is removed from the vehicle for servicing, the oil remaining in the compressor should be discarded and new compressor oil added to the compressor.

The compressor oil used in the HFC-134a system compressor differs from that used in R-12 systems.

Concerning the types of compressor oil which are used for the vehicle, refer to Specifications.

Also, compressor oil to be used varies according to the compressor model. Be sure to avoid mixing two or more different types of oil.

If the wrong oil is used, lubrication will be poor and the compressor will seize or malfunction.

When replacing the shaft seal assembly, pressure relief valve or control switches, it will be necessary to recover the refrigerant. Other than clutch repair procedures, the same holds true for any disassembly of the compressor. A clean workbench covered with a sheet of clear paper, and a place (clear trays, etc) for all parts being removed and replaced is important, as is the use of proper clean service tools.

CAUTION: Any attempt to use makeshift or inadequate service tools or equipment may result in damage and/or improper compressor operation.

All parts required for servicing the internal compressor are protected by a preservative process and packaged in a manner which will eliminate the necessity of cleaning, washing or flushing of the parts. The parts can be used in the internal assembly just as they are removed from the service package. Seals and protective packaging should be left intact until just prior to installation.

If the compressor rear head, front head or cylinder and shaft assembly is to be serviced or replaced, the oil in the compressor must be drained, measured, recorded and replaced.

Seal Leak Detection
A shaft seal should not be changed because of small amounts of oil found on an adjacent surface but only after actual refrigerant leakage is found using an approved leak detector.

CAUTION: Handling and care of seal protector is important. If seal protector is nicked or the bottom flared, the new seal may be damaged during installation.