Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Malfunction Indicator Lamp: Testing and Inspection

Lamps Test

This test is conducted to check MIL and Low Fuel Lamp for its working. Tech2 must be used for this test.

Test Procedure:
1. Connect Tech 2 to the vehicle DLC.
2. Run the Engine at idle.
3. Select F3: Miscellaneous Test in the Application Menu.

4. Select F0:Lamps Test in the Miscellaneous Test.

5. Select F0:Malfunction Indicator Lamp.
6. Push On soft key.
7. Make sure Lamp illuminates.
8. If lamp illuminates, the Lamp is operating correctly.

9. Select F1:Up Shift Lamp
Select F2:Low Fuel Lamp
10. Push On soft key.
11. Make sure Lamp illuminates.
12. If Lamp illuminates, the Lamp is operating correctly.