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Starter Control System Check

Starter Control System Check

Circuit Description

Started Control System Check:

Starter control system is controlled by the Power Train Control Module (PCM). The PCM monitors starter switch signal ("START"position ) and MODE switch (park or neutral) signal. PCM is operated by the ignition switch.
Ignition feed voltage is supplied to the MODE switch and starter relay through the engine fuse. PCM turns the starter relay "ON" by grounding the starter relay driver circuit.
The starter motor is operated until 30 seconds based on starter relay signal.

Diagnostic Aids
An intermittent may be caused by the following:
- Poor connections.
- Mis routed harness.
- Rubbed through wire insulation.
- Broken wire inside the insulation.

Test Description
2. If Anti-theft system is "ON", PCM does not operate starter control system.
24. This vehicle is equipped with a PCM which utilizes an electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM). When the PCM is replaced, the new PCM must be programmed. Refer to PCM and Sensors.

Step 1 - 4:

Step 5 - 12:

Step 13 - 19:

Step 20 - 26:

Step 27 - 28:

Starter Control System Check