Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fuel System Test

This test is conducted check Fuel system for proper operation.

Tech 2 must be used for this test.

Test Procedure:
1. Connect Tech 2 to the vehicle DLC.
2. Ignition SW is "On".

3. Select F3: Miscellaneous Test in the Application Menu.

4. Select F3: Fuel System in the Miscellaneous Menu.

5. Select F0: Fuel Trim Enable.

6. Push "Disable" or "Enable" soft key.
7. Control Fuel Trim and check data list.
8. If data list changes, the Fuel Trim is normal.

9. Select F1: Fuel Trim Reset.

10. Push "Reset" soft key.

11. Select F2: O2-Loop status.
12. This test is check the "Closed Loop Status" performance.

13. Push "Open Loop" or "Closed Loop" soft key.
14. Control O2-Loop and check data list.
15. If data list changes, the O2-Loop is normal.