Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Without Scan Tool

Remark: If you clear the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) you will not be able to read any codes recorded during the last Trouble.
Remark: To be able to use the DTC again to identify a problem you will need to reproduce the fault or the problem. This may require a new test drive or just turning the ignition on (this depends on the nature of the fault).

1. Short the Diagnosis Connector C-39 terminal 3 to terminal 4 or 5 (ground).
^ IF it is flashing and the flash is 0.5 seconds ON and 4 seconds OFF without interruption, this means that there is no DTC. The DTCs are already cleared.
2. IF a code is flashed, wait until the lamp is flashing.
3. Conduct brake switch ON/OFF 6 or more times on condition that one operation is within 2 seconds.