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Magnetic Clutch

Magnetic Clutch Diagnosis

Magnetic Clutch Diagnosis:

When the air conditioning switch and the fan control knob (fan switch) are turned on with the engine running, current flows through the thermostat and the compressor relay to activate the magnetic clutch.

The air conditioning can be stopped by turning off the air conditioning switch or the fan control knob (fan switch). However, even when the air conditioning is in operation, the electronic thermostat, the pressure switch or the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is used to stop the air conditioning temporarily by turning off the magnetic clutch in the prearranged conditions to reduce the engine load which is being caused by the rise in the engine coolant temperature, and the acceleration of the vehicle, etc.

For the inspection of the relays, switches and units in the table, refer to Individual Inspection.

Step 1 - 9:

Step 10 - 17:

Step 18 - 20:

Magnetic Clutch Does Not Run