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Crankshaft and Main Bearings

Crankshaft and Main Bearings

1. Remove engine assembly.
2. Remove timing belt.
3. Remove oil pan and crankcase.
4. Remove oil pipe with O-ring.
5. Remove oil strainer assembly with O-ring.
6. Remove oil pump assembly.
7. Remove cylinder body side bolts.
8. Remove oil gallery.
9. Remove flywheel.
10. Remove rear oil seal retainer.
11. Remove connecting rod caps.
12. Remove crankshaft main bearing caps.
13. Remove crankshaft and main bearings.


1. Install crankshaft and main bearings.
^ Install main bearing in the cylinder block and main bearing cap respectively.
Apply new engine oil to upper and lower main bearings.

^ Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
^ Make sure that main bearings are in correct position.
^ Install crankshaft with care.
^ Apply engine oil to the thrust washer.
^ Install thrust washer on No. 3 journal.
^ Oil grooves in thrust washer must face the crankshaft.

2. Install crankshaft main bearing caps.
^ Apply engine oil to the thread and seating surface of each bearing cap fixing bolt.

^ Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces.
^ Install bearing caps in the order of numbers, starting with cylinder block front side.
^ Tighten main bearing fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 39 Nm (29 ft. lbs.)
^ After the bolts, make sure that the crankshaft rotates smoothly.

3. Install connecting rod caps.
^ The cap number must be same as connecting rod number.
^ Apply engine oil to the thread and seating surface of each nut.
^ Tighten nuts to the specified torque.
Torque: 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.)
^ After tightening the nuts, make sure that the crankshaft rotates smoothly.
4. Install rear oil seal retainer.
^ Remove oil on cylinder block and retainer fitting surface.
^ Apply sealant (TB1 207B or equivalent) to retainer fitting surface as shown in illustration.

^ The oil seal retainer must be installed within 5 minutes after sealant application before the sealant hardens.
^ Apply engine oil to oil seal lip and align a dowel pin hole in the cylinder block with that in the retainer.

^ Tighten retainer fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.)

5. Install flywheel.
^ Clean tapped holes in the crankshaft.
^ Remove oil on crankshaft and flywheel fitting surface.

^ Do not reuse the bolts.
^ Do not apply oil or thread lock to the bolts.
^ Tighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.)

6. Install oil gallery.
^ Clean contact surface of oil gallery and main bearing cap.
Apply engine oil to oil gallery fixing bolts and tighten the bolts in two steps, in the order shown in illustration.
1st step: 29 Nm (21 ft. lbs.)
2nd step: 55°-65°

7. Install cylinder body side bolts and tighten bolts in order to the specified torque.
Torque: 39 Nm (29 ft. lbs.)

Note: Do not apply the oil to the bolts.

8. Install oil pump assembly.
^ Remove oil on cylinder block and oil pump mounting surface.
^ Apply sealant (TB1207B or equivalent) to the oil pump mounting surface.
^ The oil pump assembly must be installed within 5 minutes after sealant application before the sealant hardens.
^ Apply engine oil to oil seal lip.
^ Install oil pump in the cylinder block and tighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
9. Install oil strainer with O-ring, tighten to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
10. Install oil pipe with O-ring, tighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)

11. Install crankcase.
^ Remove oil on crankcase mounting surface and dry the surface.
^ Properly apply a 4.5 mm (0.7 inch) wide bead of sealant (TB1 207C or equivalent) to the crankcase mounting surface. The bead must be continuous.
^ The crankcase must be installed within 5 minutes after sealant application before the sealant hardens.
^ Tighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 10 Nm (89 inch lbs.)

12. Install oil pan
^ Remove oil on oil pan mounting surface and dry the surface.
^ Properly apply a 4.5 mm (0.7 inch) wide bead of sealant (TB1 207C or equivalent) to the oil pan mounting surface. The bead must be continuous.
^ The oil pan must be installed within 5 minutes after sealant application to prevent premature hardening of sealant.
^ Tighten fixing bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
13. Install timing belt.
4. Install engine assembly.