Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Battery Charging

Observe the following safety precautions when charging the battery:
1. Never attempt to charge the battery when the fluid level is below the lower level line on the side of the battery. In this case, the battery must be replaced.
2. Pay close attention to the battery during charging procedure.

Battery charging should be discontinued or the rate of charge reduced if the battery feels hot to the touch.

Battery charging should be discontinued or the rate of charge reduced if the battery begins to gas or spew electrolyte from the vent holes.

3. In order to more easily view the hydrometer blue dot or ring, it may be necessary to jiggle or tilt the battery.
4. Battery temperature can have a great effect on battery charging capacity.
5. The sealed battery used on this vehicle may be either quick charged or slow charged in the same manner as other batteries.

Whichever method you decide to use, be sure that you completely charge the battery. Never partially charge the battery.