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Electrical - Terminal Probe Test Kit Information


Issue Date: JANUARY 2008

Information On The Importance Of Using Kent Moore Terminal Probe Test Kit J-35616

Affected Vehicles:
2003-2008 Isuzu Ascender
2007-2008 Isuzu i-290/i-370 (TI)
2006 Isuzu i-280/i-350 (TI)

Service Information

The purpose of this bulletin is to inform dealers to use caution when probing the top of bussed electrical centers (BEC) and stress the importance of using Kent Moore Terminal Probe Test Kit J-35616 to diagnose electrical concerns.

The female terminals used inside the BEC are made of a copper/brass alloy and may be easily bent when inserting inappropriate probes or test
equipment into the top of the BEC.

Any time a terminal is probed, there is a risk of causing an open circuit at the terminal interface. Bending or twisting the male pins on relays during removal may also damage the terminals and cause an open circuit. If interface damage is suspected in the BEC, the complete assembly will have to be replaced.

Use the Kent Moore J-35616 Terminal Probe Test Kit and ensure the terminal test adapter choice is the correct size for the BEC terminal. Do not visually choose the terminal test adapter because some BEC terminal cavities may appear larger than the actual terminal in the cavity. Using a larger terminal test adapter will damage the terminal. Refer to the Kent Moore J-35616 Terminal Test Kit label on the inside of the test kit for the correct adapter along with the connector end view for terminal size. The J-35616-35 test probe is the correct test probe and should always be used.

Probing Electrical Connectors

Do not insert test equipment pins (DVOM, etc.) or paper clips into any connector, BEC of fuse block terminal. The wrong diameter of test probes can deform terminals. A deformed terminal may cause a poor connection, which may result in a system failure. Always select the appropriate terminal probe from the Kent Moore J-35616 Terminal Test Probe Kit when diagnosing electrical concerns.

Obtain diagnostic information from other areas:

^ Probe the tops of the Maxi-fuses or Mini-fuses

^ Back probe terminals under the BEC. Refer to Probing Electrical Connectors in the Service Manual.

^ Disconnect the connector in the circuit being tested and probe the front of the terminals using the proper terminal test probes

^ Probe the terminals at the BEC that mate to the harness connector

^ Probe the opposite end of the harness connector away from the BEC

^ If the system that is being diagnosed has a specified pinout or breakout box it may be used in order to simplify testing multiple circuits quickly.

Probing Procedure Tips

When probing, it is important to use the correct terminal probe adapter. Failure to use the proper test adapter may result in damage to the terminal being tested and improper diagnosis.

^ The terminal probe tip should be inserted straight into the cavity and kept stable while testing

^ Do not wiggle or move the terminal probe tip once it is inserted into the terminal

^ The number of terminal probe insertions should be limited to one.

The Kent Moore J-35616 Terminal Probe Test Kit is one of the most important essential tools in your dealership. This set of terminal test probes contain all the different sizes and types of terminals used in the past and even now. The Terminal Probe Kit is constantly being updated with new essential probes which are shipped directly to your dealership. Additional terminal test probe refills or replacement probes may be purchased from Kent-Moore at 1-800-345-2233.
