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OnStar(R) - Incorrect GPS Position During OnStar(R) Call

Information: IB08-13-S001

Issue Date: JANUARY 2008

Incorrect OnStar(R) Global Positioning System (GPS) Location Reported During OnStar(R) Call

Affected Vehicles:
2003-2006 Isuzu Ascender

Service Information

A small number of the above-mentioned vehicles may exhibit a condition in which the vehicle reports an inaccurate location to the OnStar(R) Call Center. This condition can only be identified via a button press to the OnStar(R) Call Center by the customer. Call Center personnel will be able to identify this inaccurate location condition. Customers will then be notified through the mail by OnStar(R) if their vehicle exhibits this condition. Once this condition has been identified OnStar(R) will instruct the customer to return to the dealership to have this condition corrected.

It is not necessary to reconfigure the vehicle after the following procedure.

In order to correct this condition you must cycle power to the OnStar(R) system. This can be done by either removing the fuses powering the OnStar(R) system or disconnecting the OnStar(R) module (VCIM) from the vehicle. As a last resort you can disconnect the vehicle's battery. The power needs to be removed from the system for approximately 15 minutes.

After completing this procedure the vehicle should be taken to an area with an unobstructed view of the sky. The vehicle should be kept running for approximately 10 minutes to allow the vehicle to reacquire the global positioning system (GPS). Then contact the OnStar(R) Call Center via the blue OnStar(R) button and ask the advisor to verify the GPS position.

If the OnStar(R) advisor still has an inaccurate GPS location refer to the Navigation Systems and Cellular Communications sub-sections in the Service Manual in order to diagnose and repair the concern.
