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Steering - Moan/Vibration/Shudder

TSB Number: SB05-10-S001

Steering System Moan, Groan, Shudder and/or Vibration Type Noise During Low Speed Turning Maneuvers (Replace Steering Gear)


Affected Vehicles

Service Information

Some customers may comment on a moan, groan, shudder and/or vibration noise while making low speed turning maneuvers. Customers usually notice this condition in parking lot turning maneuvers.

Replace steering gear with updated design steering gear.

Service Procedure

When replacing the required components follow the applicable service procedure in the service manual. To diagnose the power steering concern, Refer to Symptoms - Power Steering System in the Service Manual.

1. Replace the steering gear with an updated designed steering gear. See the parts information below. Refer to Power Steering Gear Replacement in the Service Manual.

Parts Information

Warranty Claim Information


1. Labor Time includes administrative time allowance.

2. Information released on paper and electronic format prior to bulletin release cannot be updated. For the most current and up to date information refer to IsuzuONE.com

3. Always refer to the Isuzu Service Policy Procedure Manual for specific details on warranty coverage and policies.
