Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Drive Axles, Bearings and Joints: Service and Repair

1. Raise and support rear of vehicle.
2. Remove wheel and brake drum.
3. Remove rear axle shaft retaining plate and, with a suitable puller, remove axle shaft.
4. Remove retaining ring with a chisel.
5. Press bearing from axle shaft.

1. Check radial runout of axle shaft at ball bearing seat and lateral runout of axle shaft flange near largest diameter. Allowable radial runout is .002 inch and allowable lateral runout is .004 inch. An axle shaft that exceeds these tolerances, or one that has been damaged during removal, must be replaced.
2. Press on bearing so oil seal groove on bearing faces shaft splines.
3. Press on retainer ring so shoulder faces bearing.
4. Check axle shaft endplay as follows:
a. Using a depth gauge, measure depth of rear axle bearing seat in axle housing with backing plate and gaskets in place.
b. Measure width of bearing outer race. The difference between the two measurements indicates the required thickness of the shims. The maximum allowable endplay is .002 in. If necessary to reduce endplay, add .004 shims behind bearing as necessary. A slight crush fit (to .006 in.) is desirable.
5. Coat rear axle shaft splines with hypoid gear lubricant prior to installation.
6. Insert axle shaft into housing. Using a mallet, drive axle shaft completely into housing.
7. Install lock washers and nuts. Torque bolts to 20 ft. lbs.
8. Lower rear of vehicle.