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Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. From inside vehicle, remove shift lever assembly.
3. Loosen clutch cable adjusting nuts at left side of engine compartment.
4. Remove upper starter attaching bolts, then disconnect starter wiring.
5. Raise and support vehicle.
6. Remove propeller shaft.
7. Disconnect speedometer cable.
8. Remove clutch cable heat shield, then the cable.
9. Remove starter lower attaching bolt, then the starter.
10. Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold.
11. Remove flywheel inspection cover.
12. Remove rear transmission support attaching bolt.
13. Support transmission, then remove rear transmission support from frame.
14. Lower transmission approximately 4 inches.
15. Disconnect back-up lamp, then the CRS switch wires.
16. Remove transmission housing to engine block attaching bolts.
17. Move transmission rearward, then lower from vehicle.
18. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Apply a suitable lubricant to drive gear shaft prior to installation.
b. Adjust clutch lash.
c. Fill transmission to level of filler hole with specified lubricant.