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Paint - Codes/Cross Reference: Overview

90isuzu04 BULLETIN NUMBER SB90-11-007
ISSUE DATE September 20, 1990
This Service Bulletin supercedes Service Bulletin SB89-11-006.

All Isuzu passenger cars and trucks.


This Service Bulletin contains two charts of paint codes for 1986-1991 Isuzu vehicle colors.

In Chart 1, the option codes and colors are listed by vehicle model, with a reference to paint code if applicable. The paint code is used in Chart 2 to identify the vendor code.

All aftermarket paint cross-reference information has been supplied by the paint manufacturers. In many cases, the aftermarket manufacturer's color name differs from the Isuzu color name listed in this Service Bulletin.

The last column in Chart 2 indicates whether or not the paint should be clear-coated. If a 2-tone vehicle uses one clear-coat color and one uncoated color, only half of the vehicle receives the clear coat. For example, option code 881 on a 1989 Trooper indicates a 2-tone vehicle using 811 on the upper half and 825 on the lower half. Only the lower half of this vehicle is clear-coated.
Due to differences in manufacturing plants, some vehicles receive one coat of color, while others receive two coats. This is noted in the charts as "1- coat" and "2-coat", each with a different option code and paint code. Be sure to use the aftermarket paint specified for the correct paint code.

On the vehicle, the option code is printed on the Service ID Plate, located under the hood, on the firewall at the rear of the engine compartment.