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Diagnostic Check

Diagnostic Check
This test determines if the transmission or its inputs, outputs, connections, or sensors are failing.
1. Connect the Tech 2: GO THROUGH Tech 2 OBD II CONNECTION.
2. Turn on the ignition but not the engine.
3. Push "F2" on Tech 2 to see the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC):
4. Do you have a DTC?
YES: write down all code numbers and do the DTC CHECK
NO: the DTC can not help you finding the problem.
2. IF it is flashing and the flash is 0.2 seconds ON and 0.2 seconds OFF, this means that you should have a DTC stored. Please recheck GO TO DIAGNOSTIC CHECK and if you find the same problem, replace the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).



"Check Trans" Check

1. Indicator it is ON during 2 to 3 seconds at ignition (or when the engine is cranked) but it is OFF after the engine starts. The indicator is working normally GO TO DIAGNOSTIC CHECK.


2. Indicator it is flashing and the flash is 0.2 seconds ON and 0.2 seconds OFF always when ignition is on (engine cranked or not). This means that there is a malfunction. GO TO DIAGNOSTIC


3. Indicator it is staying ON always when Ignition is ON.
1. This means that connection between the lamp and the PCM is shorted to ground.
2. Verify if instrument panel terminal 3 (WO/TOD) or 6 (WO/TOD) of connector 1-9 is shorted to ground.
3. Verify if the PCM connector J1 (RED) terminal A14 is shorted to ground.
4. Verify that the instrument panel terminal 15 (WO/TOD) or 26 (W/TOD) of connector 1-9 is connected to battery.
5. IF problem solved: GO TO CHECK TRANS INDICATOR.
NO: Replace Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

4. Indicator it is staying OFF with the ignition ON (engine OFF).
1. This means that connection between the lamp and the PCM is shorted to battery or opened.
2. Verify if instrument panel terminal 3 (WO/TOD) or 6 (WO/TOD) of connector 1-9 is shorted to battery or open.
3. Verify if the PCM connector J1 (RED) terminal A14 is shorted to battery or open.
4. Verify that the instrument panel terminal 15 (WO/TOD) or 26 (W/TOD) of connector 1-9 is connected to battery. If not, check the fuses and the connections (terminal 10 of connector H-25) voltage.
5. IF problem solved: GO TO CHECK TRANS INDICATOR.
NO: Replace Powertrain Control Module (PCM).