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1 - Displaying the Current Trouble Diagnosing Table

*1 Displaying the Current Trouble Diagnosing Table

Start the engine while holding down both the Auto switch and the DEF switch on the control panel, and the table will appear in approximately 10 seconds to the indicator lamp (LED) of the air conditioning switch. Result of the diagnosis along the following 9 items will be shown one by one in 0.5 second interval irrespective of presence or absence of a trouble for a given item. When the display 9 items is completed, it is repeated with 3 seconds of interval in between. A failed item is indicated by flashing of the LED that is repeated 3 times within 0.5 seconds. If a trouble is indicated, you can locate the failed section by knowing when in the total sequence it has been displayed.

Item for Current Trouble Diagnosis

As shown above, display of result along nine items is repeated with 3-second interval in between.

Note 1: When checking the sun sensor, apply sufficient light using a 60W bulb. Otherwise, it can be diagnosed as failed.

Note 2: If the temperature setting lever is set on both ends (one set to 18 °C (64.4 °F), blue scale = Full cool and the other to 31 °C (87.8 °F), red scale = Full hot), they can be diagnosed as failed.

Note 3: Likewise, the fan switch can be diagnosed as failed if set on both ends.