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IP Upper Trim Pad

Trim Pad Replacement - Instrument Panel (I/P) Upper

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the windshield pillar garnish moldings.

2. Starting at the outboard edges, release the trim pad retaining clips.
3. Rotate the ambient light sensor counter-clockwise 1/4 turn in order to release the sensor from the trim pad.
4. Remove the trim pad from the vehicle.

IMPORTANT: Cover the windshield defrost vents with clean shop rags.

5. Disconnect the electrical connector from the ambient light sensor and retain the sensor for installation.

Installation Procedure

1. In order to install the ambient light sensor to the trim pad, rotate the sensor clockwise 1/4 turn ensuring the retaining tabs are fully seated.
2. Position the trim pad to the IP.
3. Connect the electrical connector to the ambient light sensor.

4. Remove the shop rags from the windshield defrost vents.
5. Align the locating stems to the IP substrate.
6. Install the trim pad by seating the retaining clips to the IP substrate.

7. Install the windshield pillar garnish moldings.