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Onstar(R) - Generation 5 and 6 Logic Lock

SOURCE: Isuzu Service News

TITLE: OnStar Generation 5 and 6 Logic Lock

APPLIES TO: 03-05 Ascender



Some OnStar Gen 5 and 6 customers may report their system is inoperative, the radio may be muted and/or the phone icon could be displayed. Other symptoms could include, no communication with the VCIM and the system will not power up or a logic lock. General Motors Engineering has determined an internal fault that can be corrected by removing power from the system.


The fuse or battery voltage should be removed from the VCIM for five minutes and re-installed. If the concern corrects itself, the following steps below need to be followed.

Install the Tech2 and determine what generation hardware and software is installed on the vehicle.

If vehicle is equipped with Generation 5 hardware and software version 146, the VCIM should be reprogrammed according to the information in SB05-13-S003. After reprogramming test the system according to the Service Manual, if the concern returns, replace the VCIM.

If the vehicle is equipped with Generation 5 then a software version OTHER than 146 or Gen 6 and above, the VCIM needs to be replaced and the system reconfigured.