Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Stall Speed Test




The results of this test indicate the condition of the gearbox and converter.

Stall speed is maximum engine revolutions recorded whilst driving the impeller against the stationary turbine. Stall speed will vary with both engine and transmission conditions, so before attempting a stall speed check, engine condition must be determined. Engine and transmission must be at normal operating temperature before commencing check.

Apply handbrake

Apply footbrake.

Start engine.

Select "D".

Fully depress accelerator.

Note tachometer reading

CAUTION: To avoid overheating of transmission do not stall for more than 10 seconds at a time or for a total of one minute in any half-hour period.

Rev/min Condition indicated.

Under 1300, Stator free wheel slip.

1950 to 2100, Normal

Over 2,500, Clutch slip