Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Repair Procedure:

Determine the type of damage to the wood panel:

^ For fine/medium scratches or lacquer abrasion refer to Procedure "A".

^ For deep/severe scratches/lacquer sinkage and chips refer to Procedure "B".

^ For edge damage or wood veneer chips refer to Procedure "C".

PROCEDURE "A": (For fine/medium scratches or lacquer abrasion)

^ Sand panel using 1500 grit wet paper.

^ Polish panel.

^ Wax and buff panel.

PROCEDURE "B": (For deep/severe scratches/lacquer sinkage and chips)

NOTE: The wood surface has not been penetrated if the deep scratches still appear white.

CAUTION: All spraying MUST be performed in a fully enclosed spray booth.

Spray booth operators must use air-fed respirators with adequate filtration to provide purified breathing air. The respiratory system MUST be used in conjunction with a full visor type face mask.

Spray booth operators MUST also wear a full range of protective clothing, i.e. Overalls, Hood/head covers and gloves.

^ Sand the whole panel with 500 grit dry sand paper, completely removing the fault.

^ Clean panel and spray with lacquer.

^ Allow lacquer to dry for 8 hours.

^ Polish and wax panel.
PROCEDURE "C": (For edge damage or wood veneer chips)

^ Clean area to be repaired and apply colored filler.

^ Allow to dry for 30 minutes.

^ Using 500 grit dry sand paper, sand the filled area and then the whole panel.

^ Spray area of repair with lacquer.

^ Allow to dry for 2 hours.

^ Sand the whole panel with 500 grit sand paper and clean the panel

^ Apply color tint contrast as required.

^ Spray the whole panel with lacquer.

^ Polish and wax the panel.