Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Brakes and Traction Control: Service Precautions


WARNING: Never use methylated spirit (denatured alcohol) for cleaning purposes. Use only Castrol/Girling brake cleaning fluid.

Throughout the following operations absolute cleanliness must be observed to prevent grit or other foreign matter contaminating the brake system. If the system is to be flushed or cleaned through, only Girling brake cleaner must be used. Brake system components must be washed and all traces of cleaner removed before reassembly.

All brake system rubber components must be dipped in clean brake fluid and assembled using the fingers only.


WARNING: During operations which necessitate the handling of brake fluid, extreme care must be observed. Brake fluid must not be allowed to contact the car paintwork. In instances where this has occurred, the contaminated area must immediately be cleaned, using a clean cloth and white spirit. This should be followed by washing the area with clean water. Methylated spirit (denatured alcohol) must not be used to clean the contaminated area.