Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Radiator - Air Flow Restriction


June/July, 1984
ITEM: J84/26



Engine cooling efficiency in higher mileage vehicles will be considerably reduced due to the plugging of the radiator by insects, dust and road dirt, thereby reducing the air flow.

When complaints of overheating are encountered, the air conditioning condenser, radiator and oil cooler should be examined. In most instances, "on vehicle cleaning" will not be an effective rectification.

The oil cooler, radiator and condenser must be removed from the vehicle for a thorough cleaning. The body cavities around the lower mounting points should be cleaned out and the oil cooler, radiator and condenser reinstalled.

Note: Special care should be taken not to direct a compressed, air jet onto the radiator fins.

This procedure is recommended at the 37,500 mile service inspection or at a lesser mileage in areas of the country where insects are more prevalent or when engine overheating is apparent.

This cleaning service is, of course, the owner's responsibility and is to be performed at their expense after consulting with them.