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Service Tools: Mainshaft end-float gauge

CBW 87; circlip pliers 18G 1004; clutch spring compressor 18G 1016; torque screwdriver 18G 631; screwdriver bit adaptors CBW 547A-50-2A; torque wrench CBW 547 B-75; rear clutch piston replacer 18G 702; front clutch piston replacer 18G 107; kick-down cable ferrule remover CBW 62; bench cradle CBW-35-65.

CAUTION: Only Gamlen 265 or Rochem Electrosol Quick Dry Solvent should be used for cleaning transmission components.

NOTE: The numbers on the pictures refer to the sequential numbering on the L.H.S. of the text.


1. Remove the torque converter housing.

2. Thoroughly clean the exterior of the gearcase.

3. Remove the dipstick tube and breather assembly, drain the fluid from the gearbox.

4. Invert the transmission.

Fig. 27:

5. Position the selector lever in "P" (Park) (Fig. 27)

6. Remove the speedometer driven gear housing together with the driven gear. remove and discard the "O" ring (Fig 27).

7. Remove the bolt and plain washer securing the output flange, withdraw the flange (Fig. 27).

8. Note the fitted position of the bolts, stud bolts and spacers. Remove the bolts, stud bolts. plain washers and spacers securing the rear extension housing to the transmission case (Fig 27).

9. Withdraw the rear extension housing. remove and discard the gasket (Fig. 27).

10. Remove and discard the oil seal (Fig. 27).

11. Slide the speedometer drive gear off the output shaft (Fig 27).

12. Remove the bolts and spring washers securing the Oil pan to the transmission case (Fig 27).

13. Lift off the oil pan; remove and discard the gasket (Fig. 27).

Fig. 28:

14. Remove the magnet from the valve block (Fig 28).

15. Note the fitted positions of the Oil tubes (Fig 28) and using a suitable screwdriver, carefully lever the tubes, with the exception of tube. 15D. out of the transmission.

16. Remove the bolts and spring washers securing the valve block (Fig. 28), noting that the shortest bolt is fitted at the front of the valve block

17. Disconnect the kick-down cable from the cam (Fig 28).

18. Lift off the valve block (Fig. 28). taking care that the manual valve is not displaced; remove tube 15D as described in operation 15.

Fig. 29:

19. Carefully lever the oil cooler tube from the transmission (Fig. 29).

20. Remove the bolts (Fig 29) retaining oil tube retaining plate; withdraw the plate.

21. Using suitable long-nosed pliers, withdraw the pump inlet tube; remove and discard the "O" ring (Fig. 29).

22. Withdraw the pump outlet pipe (Fig. 29).

23. Withdraw the converter feed tube (Fig. 29).

Fig. 30:

24. Scribe alignment marks on the transmission case and oil pump (Fig. 30).

25. Remove the bolts and wave washers securing the oil pump to the transmission case (Fig 30).

26. Support the stator tube and withdraw the oil pump (Fig. 30).

27. Take care when withdrawing the pump that the stator lube is not displaced.

28. Remove and discard the gasket.

29. Remove and discard the bronze thrust washer.

Fig. 31:

30. Remove the plug and spring washer securing the governor on the output shaft (Fig. 31).

31. Note the fitted position of the governor; slide the governor off the output shaft (Fig. 31).

32. Carefully lever the governor feed tube, governor return tube and lubrication tube out of the transmission case (Fig. 31).

Fig. 32:

33. Slacken the locknut and unscrew the front brake band adjuster screw; recover brake band strut (Fig 32).

34. Slacken the locknut and unscrew the rear brake band adjuster screw; recover the brake band Strut (Fig. 32).

Fig. 33:

35. Withdraw the front clutch assembly together with the input shaft (Fig. 33).

36. Remove the steel backing washer and the bronze thrust washer. discard the thrust washer (Fig. 33).

37. Withdraw the rear clutch assembly; remove and discard the sealing rings (Fig. 33).

38. Note the fitted position of the front brake band; compress and withdraw the brake band (Fig 33).

39. Withdraw the forward sun gear shaft (Fig. 33).

40. Remove the small needle-roller bearing from the input end of the shaft (Fig. 33).

41. Recover the flanged backing washer and large needle-roller bearing from the output end of the shaft (Fig. 33).

NOTE: These components may remain in the sun gear assembly but should still be removed.

42. Remove and discard the two sintered metal sealing rings from the input end and one fibre sealing ring from the output end of the shaft (Fig. 33)

43. Remove the bolts and lock washers securing the centre support.

44. Push the output shaft forwards to displace the centre support and sun gear assembly.

45. Withdraw the centre support and planet carrier from the transmission case; remove the needle-roller bearing from the input end of the planet carrier assembly (Fig 33).

46. Separate the centre support from the sungear assembly (Fig. 33).

47. Pull the output shaft rearwards.

48. Note the fitted position of the rear brake band; compress and withdraw the brake band (Fig 33).

49. Withdraw the output shaft and ring gear assembly (Fig. 33).

50. Remove and discard the bronze thrust washer (Fig. 33).

Fig. 34:

51. Remove the bolts securing the front servo to transmission case (Fig. 34).

52. Withdraw the front servo, operating rod and spring, remove and discard the gasket (Fig. 34).

Fig. 35:

53. Scribe alignment marks on the rear servo and transmission case (Fig. 35).

54. Remove the bolts securing the rear servo to the transmission case Fig. 35).

55. Withdraw the rear servo together with operating rod and spring; remove and discard the "O" rings and gasket (Fig. 35).

Fig. 36:

56. Remove the bolts securing the plate retaining parking brake paw and rear servo operating lever pivot pin; remove the plate (Fig. 36).

57. Withdraw the pivot pin and rear servo operating lever (Fig. 36).

If it is found necessary to dismantle parking pawl assembly. carry Out items 58 to 65 inclusive.

Fig. 37:

58. Note the fitted position of the parking pawl torsion spring. release the spring from the paw (Fig. 37).

59. Withdraw the parking paw pivot pin, collect the pawl and torsion spring (Fig. 37)

60. Release the clip locating manual valve lever (Fig 37).

61. Withdraw the pin locating the manual valve lever (Fig. 37).

62. Withdraw detent shaft, collect manual valve lever. spacer and plain washers. remove and discard "O" ring and oil seal (Fig. 37).

63. Release parking brake rod assembly from parking pawl (Fig 37).

64. Note fitted position to parking brake rod operating lever and torsion spring. release spring from lever (Fig 37).

65. Using suitable punch. drive out operating lever pivot pin, withdraw lever and spring (Fig. 37).

If it is found necessary to remove kick-down cable assembly, carry out items 66 and 67.

Fig. 38:

66. Using Service tool CBW 62, compress.lugs of the cable retaining plug (Fig. 38).

67. Withdraw the kick-down cable assembly; remove and discard the "O" ring (Fig. 38).

CAUTION: It is not possible to remove retaining plug from the kickdown cable assembly and if jugs are broken, cable assembly must be renewed.



Ensure that all working surfaces are clean. Use only lint-free cloth and clean transmission fluid for lubricating.

Fig. 39:


68. Withdraw the manual valve (Fig. 39)

69. Remove the screws securing the suction tube assembly to the lower valve body (Fig. 39).

70. Lift off the tube assembly; remove and discard the gasket (Fig. 39).

71. Remove the six upper valve body securing screws from the lower valve body (Fig. 39).

72. Invert the valve body and remove the four screws securing the upper valve body and cam (Fig. 39) mounting arm, remove the mounting arm (Fig 39).

73. Extract the down-shift valve and spring (Fig 39).

74. Lift off the upper valve body (Fig. 39).

75. Remove the screws securing both end plates to the upper valve body. carefully remove the end plates (Fig 39).

76. Extract the spring, 12 shift valve and plunger (Fig 39).

77. Extract the 2-3 shift valve, spring and plunger (Fig 39).

78. Remove the eight screws securing the collector plate to the lower valve body; lift off the collector plate (Fig. 39).

79. Slacken, but do not remove the four screws securing the governor line plate (Fig. 39).

80. Hold the separator plate in contact with the valve body, remove the governor line plate securing screws and lift off the governor line plate (Fig 39).

81. Note the fitted position of the ball valve and carefully slide the separator plate off the valve body (Fig. 39).

CAUTION: The ball valve is spring loaded; ensure that the ball is not displaced during this operation.

82. Remove the ball valve; extract the spring (Fig. 39).

83. Note the fitted position of the check valve (if fitted), remove the valve (Fig. 39).

84. Withdraw the retainer. extract the spring and servo orifice control valve (Fig. 39).

85. Withdraw the retaining pin. extract the plug, modulator valve and spring (Fig. 39).

86. Withdraw the throttle valve spring retainer (Fig. 39).

87. Withdraw the throttle valve retainer (Fig. 39).

88. Extract the spring and throttle valve (Fig. 39).

89. Remove the screw securing the detent spring and roller assembly. detach the assembly; collect the spacer (Fig. 39).

NOTE: The roller arm may be peened to valve body. If so. swing the arm clear of the screws securing the regulator valve retaining plate

90. Remove the screws securing the regulator valve retaining plate; remove the plate slowly until the spring loading is no longer felt (Fig. 39).

91. Extract the spring. sleeve and primary regulator valve (Fig. 39).

92. Extract the spring and secondary regulator valve (Fig. 39).


93. Check the springs with the data shown in spring identification table, renew springs which are distorted or shorter than the specified length.

94. Check all valves for burrs or scoring. Check that valves move freely in valve bodies.

CAUTION: In the event of valves and/or valve bodies being damaged, valve block assembly must be renewed.

Reverse instructions 68 to 92. ensure that all components are scrupulously clean and that tightening torque figures are adhered to.

CAUTION: A new gasket must be used when refitting the Suction tube assembly.