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ABS Relay - Rattle


ABS Main/Pump Relay - Rattle - Repair Procedure

MODEL: 94 MY Sedans DATE: 4/94


An interference condition may occur between the driver's side knee bolster and the ABS Pump Relay, mounted on the left-hand side of the Blower Motor Assembly.

The Pump Relay may become dislodged resulting in a rattling noise coming from the bolster area.


To prevent the above condition, the positions of the ABS Pump Relay and the Main relay have been reversed (Fig. 1) starting with VIN 693069.

If the condition occurs on pre-VIN 693069 vehicles, the relay assemblies should be relocated as indicated in Fig. 1.


Fault Code R.O. Number Time Allowance

7UTA 86.91.82 0.10 hrs.