Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ignition Switch: Service and Repair


- Disconnect the battery earth lead.
- Remove the steering wheel. Service and Repair
- When working with Airbags, note precautions. Service Precautions
- Remove the steering wheel spline adaptor ring.
- Remove the instrument illumination rheostat knob.
- Remove the securing screws and lower steering column nacelle. Service and Repair
- Remove the securing screws and upper steering column nacelle. Service and Repair
- Remove the column switchgear mounting bracket to upper column securing bolts.
- Reposition the switchgear mounting bracket to allow access to the ignition switch.
- Disconnect the ignition switch harness multi-plug.
- Release the ignition switch retaining tags.
- Displace and remove the ignition switch from the lock assembly.
- Fitting a new ignition switch is a reversal of the removal procedure.
- Reconnect the battery earth lead.