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Fuel Gauge - Erratic Readings


Erratic Fuel Gauge - Sender Unit Float Rod
Sticking - Replace Sender Unit

MODEL: All 1994 MY DATE: 9/94


The fuel gauge on the following vehicles may indicate more fuel than is in the tank, then suddenly drop to the correct reading. A tight float rod bushing in the fuel tank sender unit causes the float to stick.

^ Sedan Range 1994 MY from VIN 687219 to VIN 694093

^ XJS Range 1994 MY from VIN 190528 to VIN 191261.

Sender units that may have tight float rod bushings are labeled with date codes 2893 to 3693 (week 28 to week 36, 1993). Not all sender units within this date code range have tight bushings.

The date code label is on the outside of the sender unit, visible from the luggage compartment


If vehicles within the affected VIN range exhibit erratic fuel gauge readings, replace the fuel tank sender unit Refer to the appropriate Service Manual section 19 for repair instructions.