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Engine Management

The Comprehensive Component Monitor Engine Management drive cycle requires that the vehicle not be operated for six hours prior to completing the drive cycle. The drive cycles are the same for V6 and V8 except for the idle in Drive time period. The additional idle in Drive time for V8 is to allow the AAI check to occur.
1 Engine OFF > 6 hours
2 Fuel level > 25%.
3 Start engine and bring to normal operating temperature > 82 degrees C (180 degrees F).
4 Transmission Mode switch - Normal.
5 Switch off all heavy electrical consumers: air conditioning, heaters, etc.
6 Idle for 15 seconds.
7 Select 2nd Gear; accelerate slowly.
8 After 5 seconds, select 3rd Gear; accelerate slowly.
9 After 5 seconds, select 4th Gear; accelerate slowly.
10 After 5 seconds, select Drive; cruise at 72 km/h (45 mph) for 30 seconds.
11 Stop vehicle in a safe place. Do not turn the steering wheel after stopping.
12 Idle in Drive with foot hard on brake pedal. (Idle in Drive 30 seconds - V6; 3 minutes - V8).
13 From stop, accelerate to 80 km/h (50 mph) at 50% throttle. Cruise for 30 seconds.
14 Stop vehicle and repeat "idle in Drive". Do not move the steering wheel.