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Arc Welding

Arc Welding

This process emits a high level of ultra - violet radiation which may cause arc - eye and skin burns to the operator and to other persons nearby. Gas - shielded welding processes are particularly hazardous in this respect. Personal protection must be worn, and screens used to shield other people.

CONTACT LENS WEARERS ARE ADVISED TO REVERT TO ORDINARY SPECTACLES WHEN ARC WELDING as the arc spectrum is believed to emit microwaves which dry out the fluid between the lens and the eye. This may result in blindness when the lens is removed from the eye.

Metal spatter will also occur, and appropriate eye and skin protection is necessary.

The heat of the welding arc will produce fumes and gases from the metals being welded, the rods and from any applied coatings or contamination on the surfaces being worked on. These gases and fumes may be toxic and inhalation of these should be avoided. The use of extraction ventilation to remove the fumes from the working area may be necessary particularly in cases where the general ventilation is poor, or where considerable welding work is anticipated. In extreme cases or confined spaces where adequate ventilation cannot be provided, air-fed respirators may be necessary.