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Road/Roller Testing

Road/Roller Testing

Road or roller testing may be carried out for various reasons and a procedure detailing pre - test checks, through engine starting and stopping, pre - driving checks, on - test checks to final checks on completion of the test is given overleaf.

Unless complete vehicle performance is being checked, the full road test procedure need not be carried out. Instead, those items particularly relevant to the system/s being checked can be extracted.

Pre - Test Checks

WARNING: If the brake system hydraulic fluid level is low, pedal travel is excessive or a hydraulic leak is found, do not attempt to road test the vehicle until the reason for the low fluid level, excessive pedal travel or hydraulic leak is found and rectified.

It is suggested that pre - test checks, and functional tests of those systems/circuits which affect the safe and legal operations of the vehicle, such as brakes, lights and steering, should always be carried out before the road or roller test.
- Engine oil level
- Engine coolant level
- Tires, for correct pressure, compatible types and tread patterns, and wear within limits.
- There is sufficient fuel in the tank to complete the test.
- All around the engine, transmission and under the vehicle for oil, coolant, hydraulic and fuel leaks. Make a note of any apparent leaks and wipe off the surrounding areas to make it easier to identify the extent of the leak on completion of the test.

Starting the Engine

NOTE: On initial drive away from cold and within the first 1.5 km (1 mile), do not depress accelerator pedal beyond half travel until the vehicle has attained a minimum speed of 25 km/h (15 miles/h). Never operate at high engine speed or with the accelerator pedal at full travel whilst the engine is cold.

With the ignition switched off, check:
- The handbrake is applied.
- The gear lever is in neutral.
- All instrument gauges (except fuel gauge) read zero.

With the ignition switched on, check:
- Ignition controlled warning lights come on.
- Engine temperature gauge registers a reading compatible with the engine temperature.
- Fuel gauge registers a reading appropriate to the fuel level in the tank.
- The operation of the handbrake warning light and fluid level warning indicator light.

On Road or Roller Test Check:

CAUTION: If road testing, check the brake operation while still travelling at low speed before continuing with the test. If the brakes pull to one side, or appear to be otherwise faulty, do not continue with the road test until the fault has been found and rectified.

- Clutch pedal operation is not stiff or heavy.
- Initial gear engagement is smooth and there is no evidence of clutch drag.
- Handbrake control operates smoothly and the handbrake releases quickly and completely.
- Clutch takes up the drive smoothly, without slip or judder.
- The engine power output is satisfactory, full power is achieved, acceleration is smooth and pedal operation not stiff or heavy, and engine speed returns to idle correctly.
- There is no excessive or abnormally colored smoke from the engine under normal driving, heavy load or overrun conditions.
- Steering operation, including power steering where fitted, is smooth, accurate, not excessively heavy or with excessive free play or vibration. Does not pull to one side and self centres smoothly after cornering.
- Speedometer, oil pressure warning lamp, coolant temperature gauge and tachometer (where fitted) register the correct readings or operate correctly.
- Switches and controls operate smoothly and positively, warning or indicator lights operate correctly and the direction indicator control self cancels when the steering is returned to the straight ahead position.
- Heating and ventilation systems work correctly and effectively.
- Brake operation and efficiency.