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Road Test

Road Test

A gear-driven unit will produce a certain amount of noise. Some noise is acceptable and may be audible at certain speeds or under various driving conditions as on a newly paved blacktop road. The slight noise is in no way detrimental and must be considered normal.

The road test and customer interview (if available) provide information needed to identify the condition and give direction to the correct starting point for diagnosis.

1. Make notes throughout the diagnosis routine. Make sure to write down even the smallest bit of information, because it may turn out to be the most important.
2. Do not touch anything until a road test and a thorough visual inspection of the vehicle have been carried out. Leave the tire pressures and vehicle load just where they were when the condition was first observed. Adjusting tire pressures, vehicle load or making other adjustments may reduce the conditions intensity to a point where it cannot be identified clearly. It may also inject something new into the system, preventing correct diagnosis.
3. Make a visual inspection as part of the preliminary diagnosis routine, writing down anything that does not look right. Note tire pressures, but do not adjust them yet. Note leaking fluids, loose nuts and bolts, or bright spots where components may be rubbing against each other. Check the luggage compartment for unusual loads.
4. Road test the vehicle and define the condition by reproducing it several times during the road test.
5. Carry out the Road Test Quick Checks as soon as the condition is reproduced. This will identify the correct diagnostic procedure. Carry out the Road Test Quick Checks more than once to verify they are providing a valid result. Remember, the Road Test Quick Checks may not tell where the concern is, but they will tell where it is not.

Road Test Quick Checks
1. 24 - 80 km/h (15 - 50 mph): With light acceleration, a moaning noise is heard and possibly a vibration is felt in the front floor pan. It is usually worse at a particular engine speed and at a particular throttle setting during acceleration at that speed. It may also produce a moaning sound, depending on what component is causing it. Refer to Tip-In Moan in the Symptom Chart.

2. Acceleration/Deceleration: With slow acceleration and deceleration, a shake is sometimes noticed in the steering wheel/column, seats, front floor pan, front door trim panel or front end sheet metal. It is a low frequency vibration (around 9 - 15 cycles per second). It may or may not be increased by applying brakes lightly. Refer to Idle Boom/Shake/Vibration in the Symptom Chart.

3. High Speed: A vibration is felt in the front floor pan or seats with no visible shake, but with an accompanying sound or rumble, buzz, hum, drone or booming noise. Coast with the clutch pedal depressed or shift control selector lever in neutral and engine idling. If vibration is still evident, it may be related to wheels, tires, front disc brake discs, wheel hubs or front wheel bearings. Refer to High Speed Shake in the Symptom Chart.

4. Engine rpm Sensitive: A vibration is felt whenever the engine reaches a particular rpm. It will disappear in neutral coasts. The vibration can be duplicated by operating the engine at the problem rpm while the vehicle is stationary. It can be caused by any component, from the accessory drive belt to the clutch or torque converter which turns at engine speed when the vehicle is stopped. Refer to High Speed Shake in the Symptom Chart.

5. Noise and Vibration While Turning: Clicking, popping, or grinding noises may be due to the following:
- worn, damaged, or incorrectly installed front wheel bearing
- worn, damaged or incorrectly installed half shaft.

Road Conditions
An experienced technician will always establish a route that will be used for all NVH diagnosis road tests. The road selected should be reasonably smooth, level and free of undulations (unless a particular condition needs to be identified). A smooth asphalt road that allows driving over a range of speeds is best. Gravel or bumpy roads are unsuitable because of the additional road noise produced. Once the route is established and consistently used, the road noise variable is eliminated from the test results.

NOTE: Some concerns may be apparent only on smooth asphalt roads.

If a customer complains of a noise or vibration on a particular road and only on a particular road, the source of the concern may be the road surface. If possible, try to test the vehicle on the same type of road.

Vehicle Preparation
Carry out a thorough visual inspection of the vehicle before carrying out the road test. Note anything which is unusual. Do not repair or adjust any condition until the road test is carried out, unless the vehicle is inoperative or the condition could pose a hazard to the technician.

After verifying the condition has been corrected, make sure all components removed have been installed.