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Alignment Checking

Alignment Checking

Trammel Gauge
Use Trammel Gauge to compare measurements taken

from given data points with dimensional data supplied by Bench/Jig Manufacturer and or Jaguar data sources.

Compare measurements from side to

determine alignment using pressing features or fittings to measure from e.g. bolt centers.

Compare diagonal measurements to determine parallelogram squareness using pressing features or fittings as datum points.

Mechanical Measuring System
Slide measuring bridge onto bench centrally lengthwise to vehicle.

Locate bench/jig Manufacturer's data sheets for specific chassis/series.

Consult data sheet for selection of measuring fittings. Place first measuring pointer at a position known to be undamaged.

Adjust height of body using screw threaded support

bracket until required 'datum' height is achieved

Repeat at four primary datum points, i.e. 2 each side according to data sheet, establishing a set of correctly aligned 'datum' points.

Continue to place additional measuring pointers towards area suspected of damage from the known 'datum' positions which gives an accurate picture of alignment/accuracy.

Electronic/Sonic Measuring

Note: Most Jig Bench manufacturers market an electronic/sonic measuring system which comprises of electronically stored data, computer, printer and a means of collecting data from around the vehicle in 3 dimensions.

This system quickly produces an accurate read out of either:
- comparison against manufacturer's measurement data.
- comparative data i.e. side to side

Enter the correct program for the model series.
Set up the sender unit and calibrate the system.
Follow on screen instructions to record data from the sender unit for the computer to process.

Monitor the on screen information or produce a print out for the 'repair' technician or insurance agent.