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Cooling System: Tools and Equipment

Cooling System Flushing
1. Remove the air cleaner.
2. Remove the air cleaner.
3. Remove the thermostat.
4. Detach the lower coolant hose from the radiator and position to one side.

5. Detach the upper coolant hose from the radiator.

NOTE: To remove rust, sludge and other foreign material from the cooling system, use Premium Cooling System flush, meeting Jaguar specification EGR-M14P7-A, which is safe for use with aluminium cooling systems. This cleaning restores cooling system efficiency and helps prevent overheating.

NOTE: In severe cases where cleaning solvents will not properly clean the cooling system, it will be necessary to use the pressure flushing method using Cooling System Flusher, 164-R3670 to restore efficient operation.

NOTE: A pulsating or reversed direction of flushing water will loosen sediment more quickly than a steady flow in the normal coolant flow direction.

NOTE: Dispose of old coolant and flushing water contaminated with coolant and cleaning chemicals in accordance with local, state and federal laws.

6. Connect a hose pipe to the radiator upper coolant hose connection using a suitable connector.

7. CAUTION: Radiator internal pressure must not exceed 100 kPa (14.5 psi). Failure to follow this instruction may cause damage to the radiator.

Flush the radiator using the hose pipe until the coolant flowing from the radiator lower coolant hose connection is clear.

8. Remove the hose pipe from the radiator upper coolant hose connection.
9. Connect a hose pipe to the upper coolant hose using a suitable connector.
10. Flush the engine using the hose pipe until the coolant flowing from the radiator lower coolant hose is clear.
11. Remove the hose pipe from the upper coolant hose connection.
12. Connect the upper coolant hose to the radiator.
13. Connect the lower coolant hose to the radiator.
14. Install the thermostat.
15. Fill the cooling system.
16. Install the air cleaner.
17. Install the air cleaner.