Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 2

Electronic Engine Controls

There are four oxygen sensors located in the exhaust system. Two upstream before the catalytic converter and two down stream after the catalytic converter. The sensor monitors the level of oxygen in the exhaust gases and is used to control the fuel/air mixture. Positioning a sensor in the stream of exhaust gasses from each bank enables the ECM to control the fueling on each bank independently of the other, allowing much closer control of the air / fuel ratio and catalyst conversion efficiency.

Oxygen Sensors

The oxygen sensors need to operate at high temperatures in order to function correctly. To achieve the high temperatures required, the sensors are fitted with heater elements that are controlled by a PWM signal from the ECM. The heater elements are operated immediately following engine start and also during low load conditions when the temperature of the exhaust gases is insufficient to maintain the required sensor temperatures. A nonfunctioning heater delays the sensor s readiness for closed loop control and influences emissions. The PWM duty cycle is carefully controlled to prevent thermal shock to cold sensors.

Heated oxygen sensors also known as Linear or "Wide Band" sensors produces a constant voltage, with a variable current that is proportional to the oxygen content. This allows closed loop fueling control to a target lambda, i.e. during engine warm up (after the sensor has reached operating temperature and is ready for operation). This improves emission control.

The heated oxygen sensor uses Zirconium technology that produces an output voltage dependant upon the ratio of exhaust gas oxygen to the ambient oxygen. The device contains a Galvanic cell surrounded by a gas permeable ceramic, the voltage of which depends upon the level of O2 defusing through. Nominal output voltage of the device for l =1 is 300 to 500m volts. As the fuel mixture becomes richer (l<1) the voltage tends towards 900m volts and as it becomes leaner (l>1) the voltage tends towards 0 volts. Maximum tip temperature is 1,000 Degrees Celsius for a maximum of 100 hours.

Sensors age with mileage, increasing their response time to switch from rich to lean and lean to rich. This increase in response time influences the ECM closed loop control and leads to progressively increased emissions. Measuring the period of rich to lean and lean to rich switching monitors the response rate of the upstream sensors.

Diagnosis of electrical faults is continually monitored in both the upstream and downstream sensors. This is achieved by checking the signal against maximum and minimum threshold, for open and short circuit conditions.

Oxygen sensors must be treated with the utmost care before and during the fitting process. The sensors have ceramic material within them that can easily crack if dropped / banged or over-torqued. The sensors must be torqued to the required figure with a calibrated torque wrench.Care should be taken not to contaminate the sensor tip when anti-seize compound is used on the thread. Heated sensor signal pins are tinned and universal are gold plated. Mixing up sensors could contaminate the connectors and affect system performance.

Failure Modes
- Mechanical fitting & integrity of the sensor.
- Sensor open circuit / disconnected.
- Short circuit to vehicle supply or ground.
- Lambda ratio outside operating band.
- Crossed sensors bank A & B.
- Contamination from leaded fuel or other sources.
- Change in sensor characteristic.
- Harness damage.
- Air leak into exhaust system.

Failure Symptoms
- Default to Open Loop fueling for the particular cylinder bank
- High CO reading.
- Strong smell of H02S (rotten eggs) till default condition.
- Excess Emissions.

It is possible to fit front and rear sensors in their opposite location. However the harness connections are of different gender and color to ensure that the sensors cannot be incorrectly connected. In addition to this the upstream sensors have fewer holes in the protection tube than the down stream sensors.


The stoplamp switch is mounted on the brake pedal bracket and is connected to the vehicle harness via a 4 pin multiplug.

When the brake pedal is pressed, the switch contacts close allowing a hard wired signal feed to be sent to the ECM. A stoplamp switch status message is then sent from the ECM to the ABS module on the high speed CAN bus.


The Generator has a multifunction voltage regulator for use in a 14V charging system with 6/12 zener diode bridge rectifiers.

The ECM monitors the load on the electrical system via PWM signal and adjusts the generator output to match the required load. The ECM also monitors the battery temperature to determine the generator regulator set point. This characteristic is necessary to protect the battery; at low temperatures battery charge acceptance is very poor so the voltage needs to be high to maximize any rechargeability, but at high temperatures the charge voltage must be restricted to prevent excessive gassing of the battery with consequent water loss.

The Generator has a smart charge capability that will reduce the electrical load on the Generator reducing torque requirements, this is implemented to utilize the engine torque for other purposes. This is achieved by monitoring three signals to the ECM:
- Generator sense (A sense), measures the battery voltage at the CJB.
- Generator communication (Alt Com) communicates desired Generator voltage set point from ECM to Generator.
- Generator monitor (Alt Mon) communicates the extent of Generator current draw to ECM. This signal also transmits faults to the ECM which will then sends a message to the instrument cluster on the CAN bus to illuminate the charge warning lamp.


The engine has 8 fuel injectors (one per cylinder), each injector is directly driven by the ECM. The injectors are fed by a common fuel rail as part of a return less fuel system. The fuel rail pressure is regulated to 4.5 bar by a fuel pressure regulator which is integral to the fuel pump module, within the fuel tank. The injectors can be checked by resistance checks. There is a fuel pressure test Schrader valve attached to the fuel rail on the front LH. The ECM monitors the output power stages of the injector drivers for electrical faults.

The injectors have a resistance of 13.8 Ohms ± 0.7 Ohms @ 20 Degrees Celsius


The engine is fitted with eight plug-top coils that are driven directly by the ECM. This means that the ECM, at the point where sufficient charge has built up, switches the primary circuit of each coil and a spark is produced in the spark plug. The positive supply to the coil is fed from a common fuse. Each coil contains a power stage to trigger the primary current. The ECM sends a signal to each of the coils power stage to trigger the power stage switching. Each bank has a feedback signal that is connected to each power stage. If the coil power stage has a failure the feedback signal is not sent, causing the ECM to store a fault code appropriate to the failure.

The ECM calculates the dwell time depending on battery voltage and engine speed to ensure constant secondary energy. This ensures sufficient secondary (spark) energy is always available, without excessive primary current flow thus avoiding overheating or damage to the coils.

The individual cylinder spark timing is calculated from a variety of inputs:
- Engine speed and load.
- Engine temperature.
- Knock control.
- Auto gearbox shift control.
- Idle speed control.


The fuel pump control module is located in the rear LH quarter adjacent to the parking aid control module.

The fuel pump is control by the ECM. The ECM sends a PWM signal to the fuel pump control module from pin B20 of the ECM, the frequency of the signal determines the duty cycle of the pump. the PWM signal to the pump represents half the ON time of the pump. If the ECM transmits a 50% on time the fuel pump control module drives the pump at 100%. If the ECM transmits a 5% ON time the fuel pump control module drives the pump at 10%. The fuel pump control module will only turn the fuel pump ON if it receives a valid signal between 4% and 50%. When The ECM requires the fuel pump to be turned OFF the ECM transmits a duty cycle signal of 75%.

The status of the fuel pump control module is monitored by the ECM. Any errors can be retrieved from the ECM by the Jaguar recommended diagnostic tool. The fuel pump control module cannot be interrogated for diagnostic purposes.

The MAP controls the fuel pump control module in response to inputs from the fuel rail pressure sensor, MAP and the MAF/IAT sensor.

The ECM controls the fuel pump relay which in turn controls the power supply to the fuel pump control module. The ECM energizes the relay ON with ignition ON.

The ECM controls an electric cooling fan via a control module to provide engine cooling. The ECM supplies the fan with a PWM signal that controls the duty cycle of the fan, providing the correct amount of cooling fan speed and airflow.

Variable valve timing is used on the V8 engine to enhance low and high speed engine performance and idle speed quality.

For each inlet camshaft the VVT system comprises:
- VVT unit
- Valve timing solenoid

The VVT system alters the phase of the intake valves relative to the fixed timing of the exhaust valves, to alter:
- The mass of air flow to the cylinders.
- The engine torque response.
- Emissions.

The VVT unit uses a vane type device to control the camshaft angle. The system operates over a range of 48 degrees and is advanced or retarded to its optimum position within this range.

The VVT system is controlled by the ECM based on engine load and speed along with engine oil temperature to calculate the appropriate camshaft position.

The VVT system provides the following advantages:
- Reduced engine emissions and improved fuel consumption which in turn improves the engines internal EGR effect over a wider operating range.
- Enhanced full load torque characteristics.
- Improved fuel economy through optimized torque over the engine speed range.

Variable Valve Timing Unit

The VVT unit is a hydraulic actuator mounted on the end of the inlet camshaft. The unit advances or retards the camshaft timing to alter the camshaft to crankshaft phase. The ECM controls the VVT timing unit via a oil control solenoid. The oil control solenoid routes oil pressure to the advance or retard chambers either side of the vanes within the VVT unit.

The VVT unit is driven by the primary drive chain and rotates relative to the exhaust camshaft. When the ECM requests a retard in camshaft timing the oil control solenoid is energized which moves the shuttle valve in the solenoid to the relevant position allowing oil pressure to flow out of the advance chambers in the VVT unit whilst simultaneously allowing oil pressure into the retard chambers.

The ECM controls the advancing and retarding of the VVT unit based on engine load and speed. The ECM sends an energize signal to the oil control solenoid until the desired VVT position is achieved. When the desired VVT position is reached, the energizing signal is reduced to hold the oil control solenoid position and consequently desired VVT position. This function is under closed loop control and the ECM can sense any variance in shuttle valve oil pressure via the camshaft position sensor and can adjust the energizing signal to maintain the shuttle valve hold position.

VVT operation can be affected by engine oil temperature and properties. At very low oil temperatures the movement of the VVT mechanism will be slow due to the high viscosity of the oil. While at high oil temperatures the low oil viscosity may impair the VVT operation at low oil pressures. The oil pump has the capacity to cope with these variations in oil pressure while an oil temperature sensor is monitored by the ECM to provide oil temperature feedback. At extremely high oil temperatures the ECM may limit the amount of VVT advance in order to prevent the engine from stalling when returning to idle speed.

VVT does not operate when engine oil pressure is below 1.25 bar. This is because there is insufficient pressure to release the VVT units internal stopper pin. This occurs when the engine is shut down and the VVT unit has returned to the retarded position. The stopper pin locks the VVT unit to the camshaft to ensure camshaft stability during the next start up.

Valve Timing Solenoid

Valve Timing Solenoid

The valve timing solenoid controls the position of the shuttle valve in the bush carrier. A plunger on the solenoid extends when the solenoid is energized and retracts when the solenoid is de-energized.

When the valve timing solenoids are de-energized, the coil springs in the bush carriers position the shuttle valves to connect the valve timing units to drain. In the valve timing units, the return springs hold the ring pistons and gears in the retarded position. When the valve timing solenoids are energized by the ECM, the solenoid plungers position the shuttle valves to direct engine oil to the valve timing units. In the valve timing units, the oil pressure overcomes the force of the return springs and moves the gears and ring pistons to the advanced position. System response times are 1.0 second maximum for advancing and 0.7 second maximum for retarding. While the valve timing is in the retarded mode, the ECM produces a periodic lubrication pulse. This momentarily energizes the valve timing solenoids to allow a spurt of oil into the valve timing units. The lubrication pulse occurs once every 5 minutes.