Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations And Acronyms

The following abbreviations and acronyms are used:

ABS anti-lock braking system
ASL automatic speed limiter
AUTO automatic
AJB auxiliary junction box
B+ battery voltage
BANK 1 RH cylinder bank
BANK 2 LH cylinder bank
BJB battery junction box
CAN controller area network
CJB central junction box
CKP crankshaft position
CM control module
CMP SENSOR / 1 camshaft position sensor / RH bank
CMP SENSOR / 2 camshaft position sensor / LH bank
DSC dynamic stability control
ECM engine control module
EGR exhaust gas recirculation
FPDB front (power distribution box)
FSJB central junction box
GPS global positioning system
HID high intensity discharge
HS CAN high speed controller area network
IAM integrated audio module
IC instrument cluster
ICE in-car entertainment
IDM intrusion detection module
KS knock sensor
KVM keyless vehicle module
LF low frequency
LH left-hand
LHD left-hand drive
LIN local interconnect network
MAF mass air flow sensor
MAP manifold absolute pressure
MOST media oriented systems transport
MS CAN medium speed controller area network
NA naturally aspirated
NAS North American specification
PATS passive anti-theft system
PWM pulse width modulated
RBD ring break diagnostics
RCM restraints control module
RH right-hand
RHD right-hand drive
ROW rest of world
RSJB auxiliary junction box
SAI secondary air injection
SC supercharged
SDARS satellite digital audio radio system
TCM transmission control module
TPS throttle position sensor
TPMS tire pressure monitoring system
TV television
V8 V8 engine
V8NA V8 normally aspirated engine
V8SC V8 supercharged engine
VICS vehicle information control system
+ve positive
-ve negative