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Throttle Position Sensor: Description and Operation

Electronic Engine Controls

Electric Throttle

The V8 EMS incorporates an electric throttle control system. The electronic throttle body is located on the air intake manifold in the engine compartment. The system comprises three main components:
- Electronic throttle control valve
- APP sensor

When the accelerator pedal is depressed the APP sensor provides a change in the monitored signals. The ECM compares this against an electronic map and moves the electronic throttle valve via a PWM control signal which is in proportion to the APP angle signal. The system is required to:
- Regulate the calculated intake air load based on the accelerator pedal sensor input signals and programmed mapping.
- Monitor the drivers input request for cruise control operation.
- Automatically position the electronic throttle for accurate speed control.
- Perform all dynamic stability control throttle control interventions.
- Monitor and carry out maximum engine and road speed cut out.
- Provide differing responses for differing Terrain response modes.

A software strategy within the ECM enables the throttle position to be calibrated each ignition cycle. When the ignition is turned ON, the ECM performs a self test and calibration routine on the electronic throttle by closing the throttle full, then opening again. This tests the default position springs.