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Fluid Level and Condition Check

Fluid Level and Condition Check

CAUTION: The vehicle should not be driven if the fluid level is low as internal failure can result.

NOTE: The transmission fluid temperature must not be allowed to exceed 50°C (122°F) whilst checking level. Should the temperature rise above this figure, abort the check and allow the transmission fluid to cool to below 30°C (86°F).

This vehicle is not equipped with a fluid level indicator. An incorrect level may affect the transmission operation and could result in transmission damage. To correctly check and add fluid to the transmission. Transmission Fluid Level Check

High Fluid Level
A fluid level that is too high may cause the fluid to become aerated due to the churning action of the rotating internal parts. This will cause erratic control pressure, foaming, loss of fluid from the vent tube and possible transmission damage. If an overfill condition is identified, with the engine at idle ensure the fluid temperature is within the specified range and allow the excess fluid to drain until a small thread of fluid runs from the filler/level plug hole.

Low Fluid Level
A low fluid level could result in poor transmission engagement, slipping, or damage. This could also indicate a leak in one of the transmission seals or gaskets. Transmission Fluid Level Check

Adding Fluid

CAUTION: The use of any other type of transmission fluid other than that specified can result in transmission damage.

If fluid needs to be added, add fluid in 0.50 liter increments through the fill hole opening. Do not overfill the fluid. For fluid type, refer to the General Specification chart in this section.

Fluid Condition Check
1. Check the fluid level.
Transmission Fluid Level Check
2. Observe the color and the odor of the fluid. The color under normal circumstances should be reddish, not brown or black.
3. Allow the fluid to drip onto a facial tissue and examine the stain.
4. If evidence of solid material is found, the transmission fluid pan should be removed for further inspection.

NOTE: In the event of a transmission unit replacement for internal failure, the oil cooler and pipes must also be replaced.